Rum Balls (and No-Rum Balls)

Back: Cocoa coated Baileys Ball
Front: No-Rum Ball

Made some chocolate cupcakes and realised that they were too many and boring to eat. Wanted to turn them into rum balls, but there was no rum at home, so used Baileys Espresso Crème instead. Also made some "non-alcoholic" ones for the small fry, with vanilla essence (though the essence I used was Trader Joe's Pure Vanilla in Bourbon lol!) added.

As I was making, I realised that rum balls were the original cake pops!! They seem to be done the same way, except cake pops seem to use more cake in the mixture.

Ingredients (makes about 10 balls)
50g chocolate cake, crumbled up
100g semi sweet chocolate chips
25ml cream (or milk)
30g butter
1 tbsp Baileys/ Rum/ Vanilla essence (Add to liking)
Cocoa powder/ chocolate rice/ rainbow sprinkles for coating

Warm up the cream in 30s blasts in the microwave (twice should do it)
Pour over chocolate chips and butter
Melt the chocolate chips and stir to get a smooth mixture
Add the liqueur to the chocolate
Pour over crumbled cake and mix well
(Should get a thick, viscous mixture. Add more cake if texture is too runny)
Leave mixture in the freezer for 5-10 min to firm up (20 min in the fridge)
Roll into balls and coat with whatever coating.
